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How We Survive: Getting Creative About Jobs

We look at how the unemployed are getting creative about making ends meet, from starting their own businesses to work-sharing.


Bay Area Non-Profits Help Create Jobs by Supporting Micro-Enterprise

Despite Obama’s words of support of small business, experts say some aren’t relying on government, but more and more on community groups and micro-lenders. That’s what Making Contact correspondent Li Lovett found, talking to micro-entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Art in Action

Art is everywhere…but why do we do it? On this edition, we speak with young artists of diverse backgrounds who use their independent experiences and creative impulses to talk about race, identity, and politics…and along the way to self-reflect.


The Road to Detroit: US Social Forum 2010

This June, the US Social Forum will be held in Detroit, Michigan.  We look at how Domestic Workers got organized at the last US Social Forum and we ask, what can we learn from the fall and rise of one of America’s great industrial cities?


The Crisis Made in Haiti

In the aftermath of one of the worst natural disasters in recent history, we look at Haiti’s history with the United States, the militarization of American relief efforts, and the economic policies that have contributed to the devastation of Haiti’s capital city.


How We Survive: The Currency of Giving

A look into how struggling communities around the U.S. are meeting each others’ needs, without charity, or even exchanging a dollar.


How We Survive in these Economic Times

On this edition, we continue our series “How We Survive.” We meet a New York City street canner who’s changed his life and community one can at a time; A San Francisco couple paying the bills … with pickles? And we talk to author John Curl who says an unemployment movement may be on the rise.


How We Survive: Predatory ‘Mending’

Activists have been setting up community-run check-cashing and community loan funds as an alternative to predatory lending practices which led to our current foreclosure crisis.l


How We Survive: Renters, Rights, and Resistance

On this edition, we continue our series “How We Survive” and hear from renters and renters’ advocates about the invisible victims of the mortgage meltdown.


How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis (encore)

We visit with a family who lost their home and now lives inside their cramped trailer in a city parking lot. And we’ll hear how two different communities are dealing with the economic crisis by taking matters into their own hands.
