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Escaping The Narcissism of The American Dream

Escaping The Narcissism of The American Dream

  Next, a conversation with Tiffanie Drayton, author of the new book Black American Refugee: Escaping the Narcissism of The American Dream.  Black American Refugee examines in-depth the intersection of Drayton’s personal experiences, the broader culture and the toll of American racism and global white supremacy on Blacks in the US. Image Credit: © Marcus Duncan 2021 Image Caption: Tiffanie Drayton_Photo Like this program?...

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The Pseudo-Science of Whiteness: Biology as a Social Weapon ENCORE 

The Pseudo-Science of Whiteness: Biology as a Social Weapon ENCORE 

  This week, filmmaker Stephanie Welch explores the role that racist, unscientific propaganda has played in promoting white supremacy in the U.S. She traces the history of the Pioneer Fund, the primary funding source for research that claims to demonstrate that people of color are genetically and intellectually inferior. The Fund used such research to lobby for eugenic policies like forced sterilization and the restrictive 1924...

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Angelic Troublemaker: Bayard Rustin (ENCORE)

Angelic Troublemaker: Bayard Rustin (ENCORE)

  On today’s program we honor Bayard Rustin, one of the most central figures in the African American struggle for Civil Rights and Freedom. Rustin was a pacifist, homosexual and practitioner of nonviolence who dedicated his life to racial equality, economic justice and ending warfare. Known as the lead organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and trusted advisor to labor leader A. Phillip Randolph and Dr. Martin Luther...

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re:Work – Redemption

re:Work – Redemption

In today’s political climate, immigration is often discussed within the context of who “deserves” to be here versus who does not. Many politicians have strayed away from addressing immigration as a humanitarian issue altogether. Stereotyping of immigrants isn’t new — it’s a part of a much longer history of criminalizing immigrants and refugees in the United States. This episode explores the experiences of a Cambodian...

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Operation Boulder from Kerning Cultures

Operation Boulder from Kerning Cultures

  Since 9/11, US governmental agencies have poured millions of dollars into spying on Arabs, Muslims and Arab Americans. Their surveillance has changed countless lives as ordinary citizens all over the country were interrogated, arrested or had their homes raided. But this didn’t start in 2001. Invasive – and even illegal – surveillance programs against Arabs and Arab Americans have a long history in the US, going all...

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Unequal Justice: the Criminalization of Black Youth

Unequal Justice: the Criminalization of Black Youth

Nearly two thirds of all children in the U.S. juvenile justice system are kids of color. That’s according to a recent report by the Children’s Defense Fund. In this episode of Making Contact, we’ll hear from Dr. Kris Henning on the disparities faced by Black youth in the juvenile justice system. Dr. Henning is the Blume Professor of Law and Director of the Juvenile Justice Clinic and Initiative at Georgetown University Law Center. And...

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