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The Sound of Change: Hip Hop in Cuba

We hear about hip-hop and change in Cuban society, and what people on the ground are saying about new phases in the Cuban revolution.


Chile’s 9/11 [Encore]

On September 11th, 1973, a US-backed military junta toppled Chilean president Salvador Allende. We bring you a story about a group of Chilean exiles in the US who transform their experience of terror into artistic expression.


Venezuela: Is the Bolivarian Revolution Working?

Venezuela is undergoing a modern day revolution. Workers, small farmers and the poor consistently vote for socialist President Hugo Chavez. Economically better-off citizens denounce the president as a communist who is destroying the country, but even some on the left criticize Chavez.


Lessons from Latin America

We hear from activists and experts who say the U.S. can learn a lot from social movements in Latin America.


James Lawson: Non-Violent Warrior

An interview with James Lawson, the chief architect of the 1960 lunch counter sit-ins, and confidant to Martin Luther King. Lawson touches on everything from Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez to the modern gay rights and environmental movements.


Cracking the Coup in Honduras

Independent producer Chris Thomas takes us to the streets of Honduras to look at the roots of a long-standing conflict between a powerful oligarchy and the poor and dispossessed majority.


What Ever Happened to the Buena Vista Social Club?

The Buena Vista Social Club CD and documentary film were hits, but may have created some myths about Cuba and the musicians themselves. Independent producer Reese Erlich spent years interviewing the musicians and separates fact from fiction.


Dateline Havana: The Future Of Cuba

We look at how Cuba brought about equality for symphony musicians and it’s efforts to feed itself through the world’s largest organic farming experiment.


Battle for Bolivia

President Evo Morales nationalized foreign corporations and distributed the revenue to the poor. Now he’s pushing a new constitution that will weaken the power of the country’s traditional economic elite. But the conservative, pro-business opposition forces have blown up gas pipelines and murdered pro-government peasants, trying to provoke a civil war. How will the struggle turn out?


Chile’s 9/11 (encore edition)

As US citizens observe the 4th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, few realize the dark significance of that day in Chilean history. Thirty two years ago, on September 11th, 1973, a US-backed military junta toppled Socialist president Salvador Allende, marking the beginning of decades of repression. Hundreds of thousands of Chileans fled to other countries, including the United States, in search of a peaceful existence. On this edition, a group of Chilean Exiles in the US reflect on the coup, and how music transformed their experience of terror into artistic expression.
