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Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity (Encore)

Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity (Encore)

The vast majority of care recipients are exclusively receiving unpaid care from a family member, friend, or neighbor. The rest receive a combination of family care and paid assistance, or exclusively paid formal care. Whether you’re a paid home care provider, or rely on personal assistance to meet your daily needs, or a family member caring for a loved one, the nature of the working relationship depends on mutual respect and dignity....

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The Ethical Dilemma of Geoengineering & Global Warming (Encore)

The Ethical Dilemma of Geoengineering & Global Warming (Encore)

Geoengineering is defined as some emerging technologies that could manipulate the environment and partially offset some of the impacts of climate change. Seems like the perfect solution for a consumerist society that lives on instant gratification and can’t stop polluting even at the risk of our futures, right?  Well, let’s slow down. Today we’ll discuss the dangers of geoengineering and the ethics of the fact that these new...

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The Rise of the New Labor Movement

The Rise of the New Labor Movement

The last few years have seen a wave of labor organizing as it becomes more and more clear to workers that what they do is not expendable, but actually the heart of every business. From walkouts to unionization, workers everywhere, from Starbucks to Amazon to your local coffee shop have come together to build and exercise their power. In this episode we explore the issues that led people to organize their workplaces, the ins and outs...

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Upstream: Worker Cooperatives

Upstream: Worker Cooperatives

  On today’s show we learn about worker cooperatives: what are they and can they offer an alternative to the dominant capitalist mindset? Our partner podcast Upstream brings us to a bike and skate shop in Richmond, CA that’s providing a much-needed service to its community, while also empowering its own workers. A version of this story was originally aired in 2018. Image Credit: Artwork by Phil Wrigglesworth Like this...

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The fight to reclassify some gig workers in California

The fight to reclassify some gig workers in California

By Emily Rose Thorne, Mercer University Center for Collaborative Journalism In California, gig workers that drive for companies like Uber and Lyft, got a win August 10 in federal court when the court sided with drivers to enforce Assembly Bill 5, AB5, a law that forces companies to reclassify contractors as employees. The move would force the companies to offer employees job benefits. The federal court granted a preliminary injunction...

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Breaking Protocol: Cryptocurrency and Capital Controls in Greece

Breaking Protocol: Cryptocurrency and Capital Controls in Greece

Which came first– coin or the ledger? In either case, physical currency or a tally of debts and payments have been the two primary forms of money used throughout history. Today, physical cash is increasingly being replaced with cashless systems including cryptocurrencies. This week, we hear from blockchain researcher Jaya Klara Brekke on the political economy of blockchain and consensus protocols. And we go to Athens where...

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