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The Costs of War: A Reflection on Eight Years in Iraq

Almost 4,500 American soldiers and more than 100,000 Iraqis have died since the start of the “Shock and Awe” campaign. Eight years later, we assess the consequences of the war in Iraq through an audio documentary, “The Cost of War: A Reflection on Eight Years in Iraq,” produced by KALW News.


Cornel West, Paul Mason and Laura Flanders on Redefining Solidarity

Solidarity has long been used as an organizing tool, but it is shifting radically amidst a new political landscape and new technologies. Left Forum’s ‘Towards a Politics of Solidarity’ conference explores this in depth and discusses its impact today.


Redrawing Lines of Power: Redistricting 2011

2011 marks the year for redistricting – the once-in-a-decade process to draw boundaries that determine your elected officials from local school boards to state and congressional representatives. On this edition, we examine the U.S. redistricting system and some of its pitfalls.


The Light Inside: Giving Birth Behind Bars

A look at pregnancy, and motherhood, inside US jails and prisons. What does the huge number of incarcerated women in prison foretell for the next generation of America’s kids?


Broken, Not Broke: The Economy According to Richard Wolff

An exclusive interview with economist Richard Wolff, who explains how failed ‘trickle down economics’ theories are being recycled under a different name. Can the working and middle classes withstand the newest round of cuts to vital services, and how can the trend be reversed?


Presumed Guilty:
American Muslims and Arabs

American Arabs and Muslims are under the microscope, and many feel demonized and say they are living in fear of arrest. On this edition, we’ll hear stories about the past 10 years of anti-Arab profiling and prosecution. We also look at parallels with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.


Egyptian Women on the Frontlines of Change

Youth and their use of social media have been cited as leading factors for Egypt’s “January 25th” revolution. But women also came out in force to protest Hosni Mubarak’s 30 years of dictatorial power. On this edition, we look at the role women played in the 2011 revolution– and in Egypt’s history.


Still ‘Fracking’:
The Perils of Natural Gas Drilling

We’ll hear excerpts from the movie “Gasland,” and from people who are trying to prevent the toxic fallout from ‘fracking’ before it starts.


Mad Journeys Into Mental Health

About one in four adults in the United States suffers from a “diagnosable mental disorder” in a given year, according to the National Institute for Mental Health. But some Americans don’t find it useful to label their psychological experiences as ‘disorders.’ On this edition – alternative models of mental health care.


WikiLeaks, Free Speech & the Future of the Internet

What are the consequences of WikiLeaks for free speech in the Internet era? A panel discussion looks beyond journalistic and national security issues of leaking online, and focuses on legal, technological and business implications for the future.
