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Disclose! Divest!: Behind the Fight Over College Endowments

Disclose! Divest!: Behind the Fight Over College Endowments

As graduation approached this year, students around the country began protests after calls for divestment from Israel were initially ignored by university leadership. The campus encampments were met with physical violence and the mainstream press dismissed the students’ demands as naive and immature. But, it turns out that there’s a lot we should be asking about college endowments.  We take a look at what an endowment is...

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The Cost of War: A Reflection on the United States and Iraq Conflict

The Cost of War: A Reflection on the United States and Iraq Conflict

Given Trump’s massive military budget proposal and the 14th Anniversary of the United States war in Iraq, we bring you this program from our archives with the voices of U.S. Soldiers and Iraqis reflecting on the costs of war. Special thanks to KALW News in San Francisco. Photo Credit: Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War present at the U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta, GA. Photo by flickr user Brooke Anderson. Like this program?...

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