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U.S. Anti-Torture History After 9/11

U.S. Anti-Torture History After 9/11

Making Contact · U.S. Anti-Torture History After 9/11   In today’s program, we turn our attention to the history of torture in the U.S. since the 9/11 attacks. Sociology professor Lisa Hajjar traces the post-9/11 history of torture through the victories and defeats, and to the ways in which torture and the fight against it have altered the legal terrain on torture, not only in the United States, but potentially on a global scale....

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September 11th 20 Years Later: Surveillance, Policing, and Torture

September 11th 20 Years Later: Surveillance, Policing, and Torture

Making Contact · September 11th 20 Years Later: Surveillance, Policing, and Torture   September 11th, 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. In today’s program, we turn our attention not to the tragedy of 9/11 itself, but to 9/11 as an inflection point in U.S. culture and policy in two areas: domestic surveillance in the form of fusion centers, and the government and public regard of the use of...

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Canada’s Slavery Secret

Canada’s Slavery Secret

Making Contact · Canada’s Slavery Secret   Today we’ll take a look at Canada and its history of Black enslavement. Canada, our northern neighbor, is rarely mentioned when we talk about the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In fact, we often equate Canada with being the safe space where Blacks escaped US slavery – the final stop on the underground railroad, so to speak. But Canada indeed has its own history of slavery...

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Hidden in Plain Sight: Rebecca Gordon on Torture

Hidden in Plain Sight: Rebecca Gordon on Torture

Rebecca Gordon on Torture Soon after 9/11, the US began holding people in secret prisons around the world in places called “black sites.” Black sites were secret and what happened within them was unknown. When we did learn about the techniques our government was using to extract information, we were told it was not torture but something called “enhanced interrogation.” It sounded new and not so brutal. But it...

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