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Borders: What are they good for?

Borders: What are they good for?

What are borders, and why do we have them? And how is violent border enforcement at the US-Mexico border connected to Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza? And what happens when borders cross living land and communities? We’ll dig into these questions in this week’s episode with the help of Heba Gowayed, sociology professor at CUNY Hunter College and Graduate Center. And then we’ll hear a story brought to us by In...

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70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix

70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix

Making Contact · 70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix   The Trump administration has issued numerous policies to systematically dismantle asylum as a legal right. They’re also locking up asylum seekers for months or years, until they either win their case, are returned to their home countries, or self deport. Reporters Valeria Fernández and Jude Joffe-Block follow two asylum seekers as they...

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