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Seeking Shelter: Building Housing and Community for LGBTQ Elders

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender seniors are much more likely than their straight counterparts to be alone and isolated as they age. Housing and support for these elders is a growing need–and the issue is not confined to the United States. On this edition, we’ll visit Jakarta Indonesia, and Los Angeles, California, to hear stories of building housing and community for LGBTQ seniors.


Partners in the Struggle

What does it mean to be an ally in a political movement? From white Americans in the civil rights era, to Israelis in Palestine, to Latino-Americans working with the undocumented…a roundtable discussion on the do’s and don’ts of how to be an effective ally.


Surviving Ex-Gay Therapy

The growth of the ex-gay movement in the last two decades gave rise to hundreds of therapy programs aiming to change people’s sexual orientation. Many were explicitly religious, and claimed to be able to “pray away the gay”. But there’s a growing movement, led by survivors of ex-gay therapy, to disprove and ban these harmful practices for good. On this edition, stories of recovery from conversion therapy, and becoming ex- ex-gay.
Special Thanks to Robert Frazier of Monitor Studios and Terry Gildea of KUER.


LGBTQ Immigrants Speak Out

Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender immigrants not only have to hide their legal identity, but their sexuality too. Living illegally in the U.S. is not only their refuge, but also their biggest fear.


Gay Rights in India: The Struggle Continues

An archaic law making homosexuality illegal in India has finally been overturned. On this edition, we go to India, to hear about the gay community’s struggle for legal rights, and the prospects for cultural acceptance.


Growin’ Up, Comin’ Out, Speakin’ Proud

Every year during the month of June, in honor of LGBTQ Pride, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queers, and those who support them, gather to march protest and celebrate. On this edition we hear from queer youth who are making radio to share their stories and perspectives and create social change.
