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Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity (Encore)

Caring Relationships: Negotiating Meaning and Maintaining Dignity (Encore)

The vast majority of care recipients are exclusively receiving unpaid care from a family member, friend, or neighbor. The rest receive a combination of family care and paid assistance, or exclusively paid formal care. Whether you’re a paid home care provider, or rely on personal assistance to meet your daily needs, or a family member caring for a loved one, the nature of the working relationship depends on mutual respect and dignity....

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Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice (Encore)

Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice (Encore)

Inflammatory diseases are on the rise around the world, and when left unaddressed can turn chronic. Now, doctors are finally starting to pay more attention. But why & when does a beneficial part of our immune system turn against us? Raj Patel & Rupa Marya think it has a lot to do with the world we live in. They talk about climate change, ecological devastation, & the collapse of our planet & what that has to do with...

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No, COVID Isn’t “Over,” and the Need for Continued Community

No, COVID Isn’t “Over,” and the Need for Continued Community

This March marks four years since the COVID-19 pandemic was officially declared. Public health failures and government inaction have forced communities to take matters into their own hands. On today’s show, we look at two groups steeped in the values of community care. First, we’ll hear about the Auntie Sewing Squad, which distributed over 350,000 hand-sewn masks to communities in 2020-2021. Then, we’ll speak with...

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70 Million: Why Policing Our Schools Backfires

70 Million: Why Policing Our Schools Backfires

School resource officers are often called upon in middle and high schools to help with routine discipline. But for many children, especially those with disabilities, a law enforcement response to their behavior can lead to the school-to-prison pipeline. This week on Making Contact, we hear a story from our podcast partner 70 Million about the relationship between students with special needs and school resource officers and the changes...

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Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia 

Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia 

Making Contact · Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia Black students with dyslexia all too often carry a heavy burden in our public schools. This documentary centers around a grandmother who fought for years to get her grandkids — particularly her grandson — properly assessed for dyslexia. Like too many African American boys, Geraldine Robinson’s grandson had been erroneously labeled...

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Disability: Our Culture Ourselves

Disability: Our Culture Ourselves

Disability People with disabilities or disabled people?   “Disability: Our Culture Ourselves”— in this episode we discuss disability, culture and identity from the perspective of disability communities themselves.   Seattle based activist Dorian Taylor talks about the specific challenges disabled people face while accessing public transportation and Professor Sara Acevedo discusses the powerful ways that common language and...

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