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Encore presentation: Into Eternity


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Into Eternity director Michael Madsen

Our world is generating more and more nuclear waste, but have no permanent place to dispose of it.  But the nation of Finland has a plan. They’re building an underground cave, to hold thousands of tones of nuclear waste, for at least 100 thousand years.  On this edition, we hear excerpts of the film, “Into Eternity”, which explores the logistical and philosophical quandaries around the construction of something that if it works, might very well outlast the entire human race.

Special thanks to Specialty Studios

For More Information: 

Into Eternity
Specialty Studios
Nuclear Power in Europe
Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority 

Articles/Videos, etc.:

Danger! Nuclear waste! Keep out — forever!
Nuclear Power in a Post Fukushima World
Nuclear waste tomb soon to reach final depth


Author: admin

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