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Uncovering the Refugee Experience & Healing Through Storytelling (Encore)

Uncovering the Refugee Experience & Healing Through Storytelling (Encore)

This week’s Making Contact episode is about two strong women who survived historic trauma, and the stories they later told their families.  We start with the story of Katie Wilson. Born to an Orthodox Jewish family in Kiev, Ukraine, she grew up safe and comfortable – until the Russian Revolution. After holding it close for years to protect the next generation, she tells the story of the family she lost to her...

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How Ollas Populares fed Buenos Aires through a pandemic (Encore)

How Ollas Populares fed Buenos Aires through a pandemic (Encore)

We travel to Buenos Aires with reporter Rosina Castillo who immerses us in the culture of a local community arts organization who saw a need in their community and took action during the height of the pandemic. La Casona de Humahuaca transformed their operations to host “ollas populares” or community kitchens to help support their community and make it through the toughest parts of COVID together, all the while learning more about...

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Saltwater Soundwalk: Indigenous Audio Tour of Seattle (Encore)

Saltwater Soundwalk: Indigenous Audio Tour of Seattle (Encore)

In this special encore episode of Making Contact, we present “Saltwater Soundwalk”: Indigenous Audio Tour of Seattle. Produced by Jenny Asarnow and Rachel Lam, this rhythmic, watery audio experience, streams of stories that ebb and flow, intermixes English with Coast Salish languages. Indigenous Coast Salish peoples continue to steward this land and preserve its language, despite settler colonialism, industrialization and...

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The Fight Over the Indian Child Welfare Act Is Not Just A Custody Battle (ENCORE)

The Fight Over the Indian Child Welfare Act Is Not Just A Custody Battle (ENCORE)

It’s a lesser-known case in the docket for the Supreme Court, but if The Indian Child Welfare Act is overturned, it could have massive implications for the laws that govern Indigenous sovereignty in the United States. We talk with author and activist Rebecca Nagle about the case of Baby O and the Librettis and how their story led to Halaand v. Brakeen. But, we also investigate the money and interests behind the lawsuit....

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Saltwater Soundwalk: Indigenous Audio Tour of Seattle

Saltwater Soundwalk: Indigenous Audio Tour of Seattle

Today on Making Contact we present “Saltwater Soundwalk”: Indigenous Audio Tour of Seattle. Produced by Jenny Asarnow and Rachel Lam, this rhythmic, watery audio experience, streams of stories that ebb and flow, intermixing English with Coast Salish languages. Indigenous Coast Salish peoples continue to steward this land and preserve its language, despite settler colonialism, industrialization and gentrification. Part story, part...

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Ninety Seconds to Midnight

Ninety Seconds to Midnight

  A new philosophy steeped in the ideas of Artificial Intelligence, space colonization, and the long-term survival of the human species is gaining ground among the wealthy.  However, there are reasons to question its goals and its ethics. Longtermists believe that not only could we colonize space and create simulated humans in giant servers around stars, but that we must. Anything short of a trillion-year multi-planetary...

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