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Live From Main Street in Denver: So You Say You Want Change?

Laura Flanders hit the streets of Denver at the Democratic National Convention to find out what real, sustainable change looks like.


Black and African

African immigrants are the fastest growing segment of the black population in the U.S. But the cultural boundaries between black Americans and African immigrants are hard to break down.


Rhythms of Zapata (encore edition)

In the U.S., some communities of color have turned to ‘Zapatismo’, a culture of the Mayan indigenous movement in the jungles of southern Mexico, as a source of hope that a different world is possible. We go to East Los Angeles, where a number of Chicano artists inspired by the Zapatistas have been using music to raise awareness about social change in their own communities.


When Your Back’s Against the Wall, You Gotta Dance: On the Frontlines of Reproductive Justice

Women, particularly poor and homeless women, young women and women of color, across the nation are struggling with access to quality comprehensive reproductive health services.
