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Many Lines of Fire: Women at War (encore)

The changing nature of the Iraq war has placed many women at the center of the conflict. Yet the women serving and dying for the U.S. have received very little attention. Who are they, why did they join and what are their experiences and points of view?


The War Comes Home: Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans

As we mark the 6th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, reporter Aaron Glantz takes us inside the war as it comes home to our communities. We focus on the role educational institutions can play in helping former soldiers adjust to civilian life.


Year in Review 2008

3 stories from 2008: Iraq war veterans speaking out; a crackdown on immigrants in Arizona; and the creation of a reproductive health care program for low-income women of color in post-Katrina New Orleans.


Veterans Speak Out: Winter Soldier

In March 2008, hundreds of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans shared their personal stories showing how the military occupation of a foreign country inevitably leads to war crimes, an increase in racism, dehumanization, and sexism.


Tour of Duty: Soldiers Visit Southern Military Bases

On this edition, Making Contact’s Sarah Olson brings us along for the ride. We meet the veterans who spent a week traveling to military base towns throughout the south, and we hear from people they encountered along the way.


Brothers at Odds: The U.S. Army vs. Lt. Ehren Watada

On this edition, Aaron Glantz sheds light on the events and issues surrounding the recent court martial of Lt. Watada.


Dissenters or Deserters?

On this edition, we hear from several U.S. soldiers who made a choice to put their futures on the line. First, by joining the U.S. military, and next by refusing to fight the war in Iraq.


Marketing the Military

The United States military has recently been pouring millions of tax dollars into recruitment efforts including a new military ad campaign aimed not only at teens, but also at parents.


War|Games (encore edition)

On this edition, we look at video games, movies, and war, and how the lines between each aren’t always so clear.


Many Minds in an Army of One (encore edition)

On this special report, prepared by Associate Producer Justin Beck, we take a look at some of the different ways the war has affected soldiers and their families, both personally — and politically.
