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LGBTQ Immigrants Speak Out

Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender immigrants not only have to hide their legal identity, but their sexuality too. Living illegally in the U.S. is not only their refuge, but also their biggest fear.


Heavy Weather (Part I)

We’ll hear part one of a documentary called Heavy Weather, produced by freelancer Barbara Bernstein. She’ll explore the connections between the increase in extreme weather and our changing climate and landscapes.


Tax the Rich, Help Save America?

We take a look at a tax revolt movement you might not have heard about, including upper income folks asking for tax increases on themselves.  And we compare the tax burdens and benefits in Europe and the United States. 


Can American Journalism Be Saved?

The business model of journalism is collapsing. Thousands of journalists have lost their jobs, newspapers are folding, and major dailies are in bankruptcy. This week we hear a discussion about government subsidies and new funding models to save the Fourth Estate.
