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Marketing the Military

The United States military has recently been pouring millions of tax dollars into recruitment efforts including a new military ad campaign aimed not only at teens, but also at parents.


Left, Right and Christian (part 2)

On this special edition, part two of “Left, Right and Christian,” we look at faith politics in conservative Orange County, CA and discovered a few surprises in our search.


The Juvenile Injustice System (encore edition)

On this edition, we’ll hear about scandal-ridden California youth authority, abuses inside one Brazil juvenile detention center, as well as alternative approaches helping troubled kids.


Spirituality, Morality and the Left

A growing movement is working to put spirituality and morality back into the left wing; its goals are specific: unite secular and religious liberals by reclaiming faith, replace the culture of materialism with one of love and care, and challenge the religious right.


Katrina Uncovers: Structural Injustice

On this edition, part four of a series on Katrina, we hear from grassroots activist Damu Smith, about the systemic poverty and racism which made a horrific natural disaster far worse.
